Make your brain work twice as fast

Last week, I showed you how to make your brain function twice as well simply by drawing. But what if you could also make your brain work twice as fast?

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Surprising way to double your memory recall

As a doctor, I come across a lot of ways to boost your memory. I’m a huge fan of supplements because they work. I love to play brain games like Wordle, Sudoku, and crossword puzzles. And exercise really helps.

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Eat carbs and gain zero pounds?

If you’re like me, you love to eat carbs. But you hate stepping on the scale the next morning after eating those carbs.

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This drink protects heart and arteries

If you’d like to protect your arteries, I’ve got some great news for you. There’s a tasty drink that’s a fantastic tonic for your arteries – and your heart.

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Get in better shape with chocolate?!

Can chocolate make you more physically fit? I’m going to answer that in a moment. But first, I have a confession to make.

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