The yeast that’s better than probiotics

When you think of yeast, you might think of bread, beer, and many other foods. Or you might think of yeast infections like Candida. Yeast infections cause all kinds of health issues and are very difficult to get rid of.

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Crime-scene test detects bladder cancer while it’s still treatable

If you’ve ever watched a crime-scene drama on TV, you may have seen the forensics team check for blood. They use a very simple test that’s extremely accurate. In fact, it’s admissible in court.

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Simple hack lets you eat rice and not gain weight

If you want to lose weight, you can’t eat much rice. Rice is a starchy carbohydrate, which turns into sugar in your body and helps pack on the pounds.

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Fights gum disease better than mouthwash

You probably know that dental plaque leads to cavities, tooth loss, and gum disease. And you may also know that gum disease can lead to a heart attack.

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Stop sugar from damaging your brain

We all know sugar is bad for us. But it’s especially bad for your brain. It can lead to memory loss and can even damage brain cells.

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