Never throw out another banana

Last week I wrote an article called “Never throw away another avocado.” In the article, I gave the secret for how to tell when an avocado is ripe and why the common advice to test it for firmness is dead wrong. I also told you how to keep it from ripening further, and even how to keep an avocado good for as long as a month. 

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The dynamic duo for heart health

What if I told you that you could get a stronger heart just by taking 2 nutrients? And what if I told you that those nutrients could give you 3.3 times more endurance … and help you enjoy a more active lifestyle? 

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Early warning sign of heart disease (just look at your feet)

You probably know that the best way to beat a disease is to catch it early. Problem: By the time you notice any heart disease symptoms, it’s already too late for early detection!

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Better than water for surviving a heat wave

The scorching heat wave that’s hitting most of the U.S. isn’t just uncomfortable. It’s deadly. And those over 65 are the most at risk.

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Never get bit by mosquitos again

Judy and I went to Israel several years ago. We went to visit the holy sites. We both found Israel to be a light in a troubled world – an amazing place where Christians, Jews, and Muslims get along peacefully.

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